Giving in your workplace can be an easy way to support the Food Bank and maximize your impact. Many businesses participate in payroll deduction, and your company may even match your contributions to the Food Bank.
Payroll Deductions
Payroll deductions are an easy way to donate to the Food Bank. Gifts can be made either as a one-time or ongoing gift. Check with your employer about arranging to donate through payroll deductions.
Employer Matching Programs
You may be able to double, or even triple, your impact in the fight against hunger by having your gift matched by your employer. To find out if your company will match gifts to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, please enter your employer’s name below.
If you do not find your employer through this search, ask your company’s Human Resources Department if it offers a matching gift program that will match your gift or volunteer hours.
If your employer requires an Employer Identification Number (EIN) (i.e. Federal Tax Identification Number), please use 94-2924979.
You may mail or email your completed matching gift form to:
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Attn: Matching Gifts
550 Italy Drive
Sparks, NV 89437
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mary Kay Altenburg, Corporate Development Officer, at (775) 785-1406.
Planned Giving
Plan a gift that will change lives. With your help and support, the Food Bank of Northern Nevada is able to provide a link between food resources and hungry people. To continue helping us serve the needy, the ill, the elderly and children, please consider including a gift to the Food Bank in your overall estate and financial plans.
Bequests are the most common way many donors make a legacy gift. Three popular options are to leave the Food Bank a percentage of your estate after making provisions for family and friends, leave the Food Bank a specified sum of money or leave the Food Bank a particular piece of property.
Do you have life insurance policies that are no longer needed? For example, maybe you purchased policies for your young children who are now grown. To put them to use, consider donating the policies to the Food Bank or simply naming the Food Bank as a beneficiary.
Stocks and publicly traded securities are easy to give and offer great tax advantages. The Food Bank’s financial advisor can help you transfer the stock to the Food Bank.
To learn more about these and other planned giving options, please contact Karen Senger.
Shop for a Cause
Joining us in the fight against hunger can sometimes be as easy as shopping or taking advantage of fun offers. Many organizations donate to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada through a variety of programs and offers. Take advantage of some of these other ways to join in the fight against hunger.
In 2021, Raley’s and Food for Families donated $990,361 and 685,631lbs of food to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. A non-profit program, Food For Families helps feed hundreds of thousands of hungry families year-round. Food For Families works in partnership with Raley’s customers, employees and vendors. Raley’s absorbs all administrative costs of the program and all proceeds stay locally.
Give a meaningful gift that makes a difference. TisBest Charity Gift Cards empower your gift recipients to support good causes they are passionate about. The TisBest Charity Gift Card is a donation gift that works like a conventional gift card but instead of buying stuff, the recipient “spends” the TisBest card by selecting which of our 300+ charity partners receives the money.
This is a great company that has been supporting the fight against hunger locally and nationally for years. You can get involved by buying special products, with the proceeds being donated to the Food Bank or participate in the Round Up for Hunger program, where you round up your order to make a donation. Locally, please contact Karen Munson.
CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 200 campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season (September 1st to December 15th) support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. Our Nevada CFC code is #78948. If you are a federal worker who wants to give, please use this number in order to designate the Food Bank for your gift.
If you have been impacted by the Davis or Bear Fires and are in need of food assistance, we can help. Please visit the Get Help section of our website for information about our partner food pantries and other food distribution programs.GET HELP