We always say that the volunteers are the heart of the Food Bank and never has this statement been more true. Without volunteers, it is simply impossible to deliver food to more than 91,000 people each month. They help us sort donations, pack boxes for seniors and sort produce donations. They help us hand food to those we serve and even help them carry it to their car when they need some extra assistance. At distributions, they brave the elements in the winter as well as the summer. The distributions are mostly outside and the work is often lifting and more.

Now, our volunteers are seen with gloved hands and a little more distance between them, offering their same selfless help but during a time that carries risks, just by being in public. We know that our volunteers are concerned about the potential spread of COVID-19 and they are also concerned about those in our community that are counting on the Food Bank to help them feed their families.

We know also that these same volunteers are very aware that with businesses shutting down to help flatten the curve of this pandemic, there will be even more people that need our help. They know that when we change to a drive through distribution model that even more work will be necessary and they are there doing it, with smiles on their faces. We are so grateful to them every day.

We still need your help: As we move forward with learning the safest ways to serve our community in this difficult time, we still very much need the help of our volunteers. We are limiting the sizes of our sessions in the Warehouse so there is more room between volunteers to keep safe and effective social distances. Some of our distributions are changing to longer distribution times and we may be packing more of the food on site before we give it out. The days, locations and times may be different so please keep looking at the calendar for new and different opportunities. Grab your cape and we will see you there. Thank you from us and thank you from the countless families that are truly counting on us now.
If you’d like to help out, sign up to be a volunteer today. You can find out more at https://fbnn.org/get-involved/volunteer/. If you have questions about volunteering, contact Vickie Fisher, our volunteer coordinator at vfisher@fbnn.org.