We believe in partnerships with local organizations that benefit all of those involved. Join us and strengthen your brand while investing in the community.
People want to get involved in ways that they can make a true difference in the lives of those who are served. Whether it is team building or projects that have great impact on the lives of families, we have it all.
Corporate Giving
Every $1 donated to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada provides three meals! Highlight your company’s gift with a check presentation hosted at the Food Bank.
Event Sponsorship
Sponsorships provide companies with an opportunity to gain visibility in the community, reward employees, strengthen relationships with clients and make an impact in northern Nevada. Sponsorship opportunities include events like CANstruction, Hunger Action Month, volunteer events as well as truck sponsorships. For details on the many sponsorship opportunities available, contact our Corporate Development Officer, Mary Kay Altenburg at (775) 785-1406.
Cause Marketing campaigns
Companies create campaigns where a portion of sales is donated to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada or they will “round up” on a purchase and donate these proceeds. Cause marketing campaigns have a significant impact on fighting hunger because each $1 = 3 meals and small donations add up fast. Consumers and employees seek out companies that give back to their communities and value companies who make charitable giving part of their business.
Employee Giving Campaigns
Raise awareness and funds for the Food Bank by hosting an employee giving campaign at your place of business. To find out if your company will match gifts to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, please enter your employer’s name below.
If you do not find your employer through this search, ask your company’s Human Resources Department if it offers a matching gift program that will match your gift or volunteer hours.
If your employer requires an Employer Identification Number (EIN) (i.e. Federal Tax Identification Number), please use 94-2924979.
You may mail or email your completed matching gift form to:
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Attn: Matching Gifts
550 Italy Drive
Sparks, NV 89437 donations@fbnn.org
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Corporate Development Officer, Mary Kay Altenburg at (775) 785-1406.
Employee Payroll Deduction
The Food Bank of Northern Nevada has a robust workplace giving program that is easy to set-up. Employees donating automatically through their paychecks is an easy way to make a significant impact on the lives of people who need help.
Volunteer Experiences
Designate a day every month, quarter or year for an employee volunteer experience. Great for team building! Warehouse volunteer shifts are available Tuesday- Saturday, daytime or evening, or you can volunteer at one of the program sites including Mobile Pantry or the Produce on Wheels Program.
Host a Food Drive
Host a food drive and add some sizzle with competitions between departments or groups (e.g. men vs. women) to encourage participation and earn bragging rights! Host a one-item food drive and make a bigger impact by collecting one of the Food Bank’s most needed items.
We’d love to chat with you about partnering with your organization. Contact our Corporate Development Officer, Mary Kay Altenburg at (775) 785-1406.
If you have been impacted by the Davis or Bear Fires and are in need of food assistance, we can help. Please visit the Get Help section of our website for information about our partner food pantries and other food distribution programs.GET HELP